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DBHDID Central Login

Please note the new URL (Web address) for the Central Login application, which is now https://login.dbhdid.ky.gov/.

This page is for authorized users only. You must have JavaScript and cookies enabled in your browser to use the Central Login application.

Note that you are allowed five unsuccessful attempts to log in, then your account will be locked and must be unlocked by an administrator. Administrators are notified when you lock yourself out, so it is not necessary to email anyone when that happens.

If you have tried to log in three times unsuccessfully, you should recover your password before trying again.

On your first visit, you must click the "Recover Password" link on the left navigation bar and recover your assigned password before attempting to log in.

If you wish to change your password, you must first log in.

The Central Login application requires that you change your password every 90 days. Notices on the Access Page will tell you when your password is set to expire, or that it has expired, so that you can reset it.

Also, after you recover your password, you will be required to change it before you can access your Central Login roles or applications.

Last Updated 2/10/2021 1:48:56 PM